Walid Rahman Swapnil Walid Rahman Swapnil Walid Rahman Swapnil
Walid Rahman Swapnil Walid Rahman Swapnil Walid Rahman Swapnil
Visual Identity

Brand Identity

Kartikeya is an Indian online jewelry retailer, headquartered in Denmark.

©Walid Rahman Swapnil

Project Goals

Your brand’s visual aesthetic has an impact on your company’s revenue. Any company or organization needs leads and conversions in the end. With the use of visual content for your business, you can draw in customers, establish connections, elicit responses, and persuade them to act.

What Is A Visual Identity?

A visual identity for your company is any brand element that primarily requires the sense of sight.

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Why Have A Visual Identity Design?

A visual identity is an important component of branding, marketing, and conversions.

©Walid Rahman Swapnil



Kartikeya Jewelry Inc

Creative Director

Walid Rahman Swapnil

Working Team

Nisa Idrisi, Syed Sakib

Böngmann Böngmann Böngmann Böngmann Böngmann Böngmann Böngmann